Despite the title, second foal still very much pending, but we had a great time watching Topaz running about and prancing and rearing last night, she's got lovely arab movement from her father.
Today I did my first morning's feeding by myself- well the horses and pigs, and Elise showed me again how to milk Julie the goat. Elise is a pro-milker and really quick.
We had a lovely dinner last night of lamb sausages and kidney beans in a stew with some rice, my second meal cooked for the family so far and they seemed to enjoy itThis morning we had french toast and Elise and Toby showed me their crystal collections which was fun.
We had a bit of rain this morning, but it was quite refreshing. The puppies are now roaming free over a certain area of garden and this morning they just wanted to play out in the rain. After some towel drying and cuddles from mum Chloe they are all passed out asleep.
The day's brightening up so I might go for a walk. The farmland is made up of small but steep picturesque hillsides, quite alot like the hobbiton image of NZ! The animals are all really photogenic too so there are lovely views wherever you look!
Toby brought in a cicada to show me, a little flying cricket type bug which is native to NZ. Very pretty but I told him I'm not a fan of bugs too close up! Bugs not too much of a problem here. There are certainly a few but they mostly don't bother people. There is the buju bug which is like a big moth which I think can bite if you tangle with it, but they only come out at night. There's also apparently white tipped spiders which have snuck in from Australia (got through the intense biosecurity at customs!) which have a nasty bite but won't do you too much harm in the long run. To be honest though it's a very friendly and easy environment on the whole.
Life here is full but relaxed and even though there's lots to be done there's a gentle pace to it and lots to enjoy about the work. It definitely suits me better than the office that's for certain.
I'll write again soon, maybe in a couple of days, as I guess the daily routine isn't going to vary so hugely and might get a bit boring to read!
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